
« OCS 100 » labeling rules. 《OCS100 》/ 标识规则
For customer, one of the following labels must be used when 95% or more of the raw
materials content is certified organic, as specified in the OCS standard.根据 OCS 标准要求,
当有 95%或更多的原料成分被认证为有机来源时,必须对消费者选用下列标签。


« OCS blended » labelling rules 《OCS  混纺 》 标识规则
For customer, one of the following labels must be used when more than 5% but less than 95% of
the raw materials content is certified organic, as specified in the OCS standard . /根据 OCS 标准要求,
当有 5%以上且少于 95%的原料成分被认证为有机来源时,必须对消费者选用下列标签,


Specification for the use of OCS logos./OCS  标志使用说明
The logos can appear in Pantone 355U or 009355./标志可以使用彩通色号 355U 或#009355
The logos must be a size large enough to be clear and legible./标志尺寸必须足够大且清晰可
Certified entities may request logos from the Certification Body responsible for the
certification of their products./被认证实体可以向负责你们产品认证的认证机构索取标志。
Brand & retailers may obtain logos from the certifiers responsible for the certification of
the last production step of their products. Logos may be used for marketing and publicity
purposes only, and may not be applied to goods or packaging if brand & retailers are not
certified to OCS standard. /品牌和零售商可以从负责对其产品最后加工步骤认证的认证机构获得标
志。标志仅可以用于营销和宣传目的,如果品牌和零售商没有获得 OCS 认证,则不能将标志用于产品
General rules for use./ 使用通则
The reference to ECOCERT Greenlife or to the compliance with the standard may be
displayed on any type of media (packaging, labeling, website, brochure, advertising, etc..)
/可以在各种媒介上(包装、标签、网站、小册子、广告、等等)标注 ECOCERT GREENLIFE 或者引


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