
 Supply Chain Requirements


  Claimed Recycled Material follows a complete, verified chain of custody from input to finalproduct.


  Application of ProductionRequirements生产要求的应用

  Organizations involved in production and trade of RCS products are subject to RCS certification. The Global Recycled Standard requires compliance with the requirements of the Content Claim Standard, whereby the ‘Claimed Material’ is replaced with ‘RCS Material’.

  参与RCS 产品生产和贸易的组织须遵守RCS 认证。“全球回收标准”要求遵守“含量声明标准”的要求,“声明的材料”被替换为“RCS 材料”。

  Production andTrade


  In addition to the requirements of the CCS, all organizations involved in the production or trade of RCS products shall meet the followingrequirements:

  除了CCS 的要求外,参与RCS 产品生产或贸易的所有组织都应遵守以下要求:

  All Recycled materials entering the supply chain shall have a valid Transaction Certificate (TC) issued by an approved CB.


  Pre-Consumer and Post-Consumer Material Content percentage shall be recorded separately for each batch at every certified site and recorded on the transaction certificate.


  Traders with an annual turnover of less than $10,000 of RCS products, and retailers selling to end consumers only, are exempt from the certification obligation; provided that they do not (re-)pack or (re-) label RCS products. Exempted traders with less than $10,000 annual turnover of RCS products shall register with an approved Certification Body and shall inform the Certification Body immediately once their annual turnover exceeds $10,000, or once they plan to (re-) pack or (re-) label GRS products.

  RCS 产品年营业额少于10,000 美元的交易商,以及仅向最终消费者销售的零售商免除认证义务;只要它们不(重新)包装或(重新)标记RCS 产品。RCS 产品年度营业额少于10,000 美元的豁免交易商,必须由认可的认证机构注册,并在其年营业额超过10,000 美元后,或者计划(重新)包装或(重新)标记GRS 产品时立即通知认证机构。

   In cases where there is the possibility of differential rates of production loss between Recycled and virgin inputs, Certified Organizations shall address this through their mass balance formula for 

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